Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kanji days

all of these were done 4/9 and 4/10. doing kanji at the shop to get used to lots of little tattoos with simple linework and solid fill. quite an improvement between just the first and last tattoos in this post.

Look mom, I'm tattooing! (4/6 - 4/8)

Look, mom, i'm tattooing!

Tattooing the diamond on the girl below:

She got this one a few days earlier on her wrist:

Our piercing apprentice that started all the diamonds:

Did one on my own ankle. This wasnt much fun.

Angry cupcake on one of our piercers!

And onto the free kanji:
This one is on the side of a hip. I'm realizing how much I value a good sitter who sits still with tattoos.